Sunday, October 9, 2011

Graffiti Train

3 exposure HDR
I was visiting my brother in Utah and he brought us to the Great Salt Lake because we had never been before. He knew of an old abandoned train car he thought I would like taking a picture of and he brought me to this beautiful thing! :) It was sitting next to an old abandoned building all prettied up with graffiti too both sitting right on the sand with the Great Salt Lake in the background!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Haystack Rock

We went to Pacific City this week and after the clouds burned off it was gorgeous!  I don't think I've ever been there when the tide was this low. There were millions of barnacles and mussels covering the rocks and many, many starfish clinging to the rocks as well. It was awesome. It was hard to try and find a shot without people in it because it was pretty crowded. This is a 3 exposure HDR.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Barn on 50th

I've photographed this barn before...I think in the winter or fall, but wasn't real happy with the results, so I wanted to go back and last Friday - I did. I uploaded 3 pictures - all processed very differently.

3 exposure HDR

Friday, June 17, 2011

Horses For Sale

Yesterday I was able to drive around looking for things to take pictures of. I had a really good time and I was only out for a couple of hours, but it was great. It's one of  my favorite things to do.I headed to Battle Ground because that's where all the cool barns and old, interesting things are. I had no idea where roads would take me and I ended up on one where there were about a dozen miniature horses for sale in a pasture full of yellow wildflowers. It really was beautiful. One horse was very curious and watched me the entire time. Another looked up just in time for me to shoot 3 bracketed exposures. Here are a few pictures that I took.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hoquiam, Washington Shipyard

We go through the small town of Aberdeen and Hoquiam on our way to the family reunion site at Camp Bethel near Ocean Shores every year. This Shipyard caught my eye on the way there so I decided on the way back to snap some pictures of it. Here's a zoomed up version of it but something feels off with this edit and I can't quite put my finger on it...but I'm putting it up anyway. It's a 3 exposure HDR. If you want to see a panoramic I did of the area, click the link:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Redneck Yacht Club

We were on our way to Ocean Shores and came upon this "Yacht Club". 3 exposure HDR.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ferris Wheel (re-edit)

I haven't been going out and taking many pictures lately because I can't find new places to go to. It's frustrating and that's why I'm really looking forward to moving in a couple of months. We do have a trip planned in a couple of weeks near Ocean Shores (which I have been to many times) but hopefully it will get me out of my photo funk!

Without new pictures to edit, I have going back and re-editing old stuff. This is of a ferris wheel I took last month. The first edit can be found here:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Mossy Oak

I'm not sure that this tree is actually an oak tree, but I needed a title and it sounded good. I went on a field trip with my son's 3rd grade class to the Wildlife Refuge in Ridgefield a couple of weeks ago. I'm not the type of parent to do those kinds of things typically, because honestly other people's children annoy me. I promised Ashton that I would go though. It was a pretty cool place but couldn't fully appreciate it so I plan to go back to walk the trails, enjoy the nature and try to photograph the wildlife that were all scared off by loud, obnoxious kids. There was this HUGE, beautiful, tree that I didn't have the luxury of time to spend photographing it. I was only able to pause for a second as we were walking away to get 3 bracketed exposures of just this shot.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Indian Trade Shop and Dispensary

My Credit Union is having it's annual photo contest again this month. (Last year I won with my Olympic National Park photo). No pressure this year, right? The theme has always been the Great Northwest, but they changed it this year to "New Perspective". I guess they were tired of all the waterfall and beach pictures, because now they are looking for something that shows our spirit or culture. The deadline to submit is May 31st and I didn't submit a picture until yesterday. I think it was my best one suited for the theme and after I sent it in, I had two people from marketing comment how great a picture it was. That hasn't happened - ever. I was a little hesitant to send in a portrait layout photo because the calendars are usually done in landscape, but I figured if they liked my pic enough, it wouldn't matter. The clouds are what  make the picture.

This is of the Indian Trading Shop and Dispensary at Fort Vancouver - which was the Hudson's Bay Company (fur trading) headquarters for Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia.

Friday, May 13, 2011


I haven't posted in awhile so I looked back through my old pictures and picked this one. It's an old Theatre sign in downtown Portland - kinda cool.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Briz Loan and Guitar

The other day I wanted to take some pictures of the sunset near the waterfront and on my way I drove past Briz Loan & Guitar and saw this huge guitar on the side of their building. It was hard to get a good picture of it because it had a big Plaid Pantry sign right underneath it, so I cropped it out of the picture. I love the bright orange of the guitar against all the different textures of the brick wall.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Black Beauty

My husband and I were out running errands today and saw this beautiful car in the parking lot with a bunch of old men surrounding it. Luckily I brought my camera with me, a very rare occasion if I'm just running errands, and hopped out and took a few pictures.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Portland Oregon LDS Temple

Anson and I went down to the LDS Temple today just to take pictures. It was a beautiful day for it, I just wish I had a wide angle lens. I need to get one of those! The pictures I posted today are of a top portion and a bottom portion fit together like a panoramic and a total of 6 photos merged to make the final photo.
I see a lot of flaws with it, but it's the best one that turned out of the whole bunch.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Just Another Barn

I love barns! I never knew how much until I was forced to take pictures of things other then landscapes and such - with it being winter, fall, and rainy here in the Northwest. Anyway, this is a barn I pass almost everyday, and everyday I want to take a picture of it, so today I did. It is pretty close to my house and close to the park where I walk my dog, so this morning, I just walked over there.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Neighbor's Bike

I've wanted to do an HDR of a motorcycle for awhile now and I had the opportunity to do so yesterday. My neighbor had his bike out and I asked if I could take a picture of it. It's not the best angle, his house is in the background and I don't like where the sun was reflecting off the chrome in one area, but whatever.

The bright white and purple spot on the chrome bothered me so much that I had to fix it. :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Portland Gas and Coke Company

This building was behind a chain linked fence with rolled barbed wire on top and in a restricted area with video surveillance. My husband pulled up next to the fence, I hopped out, stood on the truck bed, then climbed on top of the canopy and was able to get 3 bracketed exposures before security started walking towards us. I climbed down, we hopped in the truck, and drove away!

This was where my husband's grandfather worked. (I did a little digging and found out some info.) It was built in 1913 and the factory produced gas from oil and also created briquettes, electrode pitch, naphthalene and Gasco motor fuel. Today, the effect of all of those chemicals is a big, messy Superfund site that is entirely fenced off to keep people away from the contamination.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Boys in HDR

I took 3 exposures of my husband and boys a couple of months ago and didn't like the way I processed it. It's really hard for the skin to look normal and not zombie-ish, but I've been experimenting with the picture in Photoshop after I get it the way I want it in Photomatix. Here's the result:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Signs of the Times

This barn is less then a mile from my house and I pass it everyday. I have been wanting to photograph it for a while now, but the sky hasn't looked right and it is also surrounded by a chain linked fence. The other day the gate up to the main house was opened so I took the opportunity to shoot it. I wish the truck hadn't been parked there but it was. Oh well.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cannell Library

Here's another picture from Clark College of the library. I loved the shape of the building, so it became my subject. I had to change the perspective of the tower because in the original photos it was leaning a little to the right.

Totem Pole

I went to my old community college to take a picture of a row of trees that are absolutely beautiful when they blossom in the spring. Unfortunately they were still bare so I wandered around the campus and found this!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Update and new picture!

It's been hard to do this blog while it was the winter/rainy season in the Northwest and I got frustrated so I stopped taking pictures and stopped posting. Spring is here and things are blooming and getting pretty again! I'm getting camera hungry again and will continue to post pictures as I take them.

This is another side of the The Academy building that I've taking pictures of previously. I posted two edited pictures...I think I like the 2nd one better.

Monday, February 21, 2011

63/365 - Dinner With Friends

My son had some of his friends over and I thought it would be cool to get an HDR photo of them at the table. I showed it to them after editing it and they loved it!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

61/365 - Lucy Goose

I recently got a cordless remote for my camera and used it for the first time photographing Lucy in HDR.

Friday, February 18, 2011

60/365 - Willow

When I was growing up I lived in a house that had a big pond in the backyard with lots of pussy willow plants. I spent a lot of time playing in my backyard and loved the furry little things. Since moving from that home, I haven't really seen the plant so I was pleasantly surprised while walking along a trail in the park and came across a few.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

59/365 - Through the Chain

I saw this moss covered beauty a couple weeks back and really wanted to photograph it - but it was behind a chain linked fence! Today I went out and decided to take a picture of it anyway. While there I got the idea to get my lens as close to the fence as possible and take some pictures through the chain link. I'm happy with the result even though this particular photo isn't perfect. I might have got a link from the chain in this picture, but I don't care. I chose not to crop it, perhaps I should have...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

58/365 - Why did the photographer cross the road?

The weather today was crazy! In the the morning we had a couple of inches of snow and then it turned to rain an hour later. A couple of hours after that big, puffy clouds rolled in with blue skies and sunshine and that's when I grabbed my camera and headed out. I ended up at an overpass where I knew train tracks were down below and the first side of the street I went to had low hanging power lines obstructing the view so I crossed 4 lanes of traffic to get to the other side. The things you do to get the shot you want...  I took pictures for about an hour and a half and shortly after I got home dark clouds rolled in and it started hailing! Talk about timing!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

57/365 - The Bridge to Nowhere

It was pouring down rain all morning and I thought that I would be stuck inside all day. Finally around noon there was a break in the rain so I grabbed my camera and went down to Klineline Park. I walked down one of the trails and found this bridge. I didn't walk much further because it really didn't look like the bridge went anywhere, maybe it did, but I was alone and it was pretty secluded so I turned around and walked back towards the park.

Monday, February 14, 2011

56/365 - Untitled

I took my dog on a walk up to the park this morning and only got a few shots off before it started sprinkling. Then it rained the rest of the day so there wasn't a whole lot of opportunity for picture taking. While running errands I noticed a few blossoming bushes so that was exciting. Hopefully in the next fee weeks things will get more colorful and prettier around here.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

55/365 - The Blacksmith Shop

This picture is of inside the building of the Blacksmith shop at Fort Vancouver where we visited yesterday. It was quite smokey inside and that's why the light streaming in from the window shows up so amazingly well.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

54/365 Fort Vancouver Fur Warehouse

A couple of weeks ago I walked around Fort Vancouver and thought that it might be nice to take the kids there today so that they could ride their bikes along the trails. We actually went inside the Fort and took a tour of the buildings. We went to the Bakehouse, Counting House, Jail, Bastion, Chief Factor's Residence and The Blacksmith Shop. There were people inside some of the buildings to tell us a little history about the place and a "blacksmith" inside the Blacksmith shop. It was VERY smoky inside, but the kids enjoyed watching him make a square nail. The picture I chose today is of the Fur Warehouse where furs and pelts were stored. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

53/365 - Old Barn

I drove up to Battle Ground Lake because I had never been there and I thought that it might be a good place to take pictures. When I got there I found an over sized puddle that I'm assuming was the "lake", and a bunch of smokers fishing...or was it fishermen smoking? Whatever the case was, it wasn't pleasant and I didn't stay long. On my way home I saw this barn and pulled over. I stood in the bed of the truck in order to get this picture, otherwise, I would have been shooting through that barbed wire fence on the bottom of the picture.I added the gradient for effect.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

52/365 - Morning Fog

It was a foggy morning and I would have loved to spend a few hours taking pictures, but things had to get done today. I stopped at this pier on my way into Portland and took a few shots before hopping back into my car.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

51/365 - Magnificent Mammals

My son had a fever when he got up this morning so once again I was stuck inside. He's feeling better now, so I will definitely be snapping some new photos tomorrow. I haven't checked the weather yet so hopefully it will cooperate! This is one of my favorites from the zoo yesterday.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

50/365 - Lazy Lions

Last week I planned on going to the zoo and invited my sister and her 2 kids to go with me today. It was cold so we kind of rushed (3 hours) through the exhibits but I was still able to get a few good pictures. My kids were a little shocked I had gone to the zoo without them, so i guess I'll be heading back there in a few months when I know my fingers won't freeze and fall off.

Monday, February 7, 2011

49/365- The Rainbow Connection

I was home with a sick little boy so I didn't go on a photography adventure today, however, this beautiful rainbow presented itself to me late in the afternoon.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

48/365 -Blue

Nothing much today, just a picture I took while on a walk.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

47/365 - Little Red Barn

My youngest son has the flu so I won't be taking pictures today. Here's one I took yesterday. I pass by this little red barn when I take my son to school and sometimes on my morning walks. I think it's cute. :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

46/365 - Stained Glass Window

Photographing nature is one of my favorite things to do, but the Northwest in the winter isn't all that exciting or pretty at times. The trees are bare and leafless, flowers only grow in flower shops and most of the time it's overcast and dreary outside. This project of taking a picture a day for a year really had me worried at times. I wasn't sure that I would be able to continue with it - because of the lack of beauty around me. This project has opened my eyes to see beauty in buildings, trains, bridges and other crazy objects that I wouldn't normally photograph or would ever look twice at. I can now say that I really enjoy this project and I'm glad I stuck with it.

Today's picture is of a beautiful stained glass window from a church downtown Vancouver. I chose this picture today because I had to pay a parking meter to park and walk over to this building in order to get this picture. I have to make that 25 cents count for something! :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

45/365 - Moon Girl

I walked the Waterfront Renaissance Trail this afternoon and came across this beautiful bronze sculpture. I assumed it was Sacajawea because I was close to the Lewis and Clark Trail, but I went home and did a little digging before I titled this post, "Sacajawea". Good thing I did! This is Ilchee, known as Moon Girl. She was the daughter of Chief Comcomly, the "one-eyed chief" of the Chinook Tribe and befriender not only of Lewis and Clark, but also of the early settlement at Astoria. The 7ft. tall 700 lb. bronze statue and the small plaza in which it is located, honor the Chinook people. I chose to post a close up of "Ilchee Bronze" because she just looks so regal and majestic.