Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 23 - January 12, 2011 - Between the Lines

Rain, rain go away! I'm having a hard time taking pictures today. Have I mentioned how much I DO NOT like taking pictures inside? I'm doing so many things wrong, from the lighting, to the subject matter (never interesting) to getting my camera to work how I want it to. I was getting so frustrated to the point where I was looking around for my old trusty old camera - because it would always do what I wanted it to do. Unfortunately or fortunately (however you want to look at it) I never found it - so I was forced into setting things up in a way that I knew would work. I took my subject outside! I stayed under the eaves to protect my camera, but I was able to capture a picture for today! I'm just glad project 23 is looking back. 

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